Individual versus Team Competition

While some of the Homecoming events may have their own prize or incentive to attend and participate, there are opportunities to compete as a team throughout the week. Individuals are also highly encouraged to participate in the various activities.

All teams should be composed of at least five (5) BC students, staff, classified, faculty, or BC alumni. Verification of team members may be requested at any time. In order to register, your team will need to submit a complete roster of participants. This will be crucial for success, especially in regard to attendance-based events. We encourage you to branch across all offices on campus and the community when selecting your team members.

Various team points are given at each event. A running total of points per team will be posted on the Homecoming Website. Teams are not required to participate in every event, but are highly encouraged.

To register your team, please complete and submit the Homecoming Team Application 2023.

Homecoming Event Individual Team Competition
BC Cribs: Office/Department Decorating Contest X X
Homecoming Royalty Court X X
Oops I Chalked it Again! Chalk Art Competition X X
Ultimate Frisbee: That's So Fetch X X
Friends of the Farmer's Market X X
Vision Boarding for the Future! X X
Y2Karaoke X X
A Glitch in Time: Y2K Homecoming Dance X X
The 2000s Called: They Want Their Float Back! X X