Alcohol and Other Drugs

All students have the right to pursue their individual and collective goals in a safe and healthy educational and work environment that is free from the effects of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) misuse. Students have a personal responsibility to adhere to all the applicable laws, policies, and regulations governing the use of alcohol or other drugs. The Bakersfield College adheres to the Drug-Free Environment (KCCD Board Policy 3550) to inform students and employees about the dangers of substance misuse. The abuse of illicit drugs and alcohol disrupts classes, compromises physical and mental health, subjects’ individuals to criminal penalties, and impairs their ability to benefit from the learning experience. Therefore, Bakersfield College actively supports a drug- and alcohol-free learning environment by knowing and making others aware of college policies and the substantial health and legal consequences of abuse.

Students who violate these policies will be held accountable for their behavior and subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions. The Standards of Student Conduct (KCCD Board Policy 5500) sets the standard for individual and civic responsibilities, as well as the College process for dealing with alleged violations.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act was passed in 1989 as part of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. It requires institutions of higher education that receive federal funding to execute a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program for its campus community. As part of this, the college is required to notify all members of the campus community on an annual basis about the various prevention and education programs, resources, policies, and laws.

The publication of the BC Biennial Review Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Report provides the campus community with information on standards of conduct, sanctions for violations, prevention programming, health risks associated with alcohol and drug use, and local, state, and federal laws related to drug and alcohol use, and on-campus and community resources that are available to students, faculty, and staff. State and federal laws inform Bakersfield College policies related to alcohol and illicit drug use. All members of the BC Community are encouraged to review the information within the KCCD Board Policy and the DFSCA Biennial Report, which is distributed bi-annually, to become familiar with their provisions.

Disciplinary Process and Educational Sanctions

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance by any student or employee is prohibited. It is also a violation of the Standards of Student Conduct for a student to unlawfully possess or consume alcoholic beverages on campus or at college-sponsored events or violate laws or policies regarding alcohol use or possession.

Violating these policies shall result in the prompt imposition of sanctions (KCCD Board Policy 5500). These sanctions depend on the nature and severity of the offense. They may include a warning, a loss of privileges, disciplinary probation, community service, restitution, participation in counseling or rehabilitation programs, suspension, expulsion, termination of student employment, and referral to proper law enforcement authorities for prosecution. Sanctions taken against students will be carried out by policies and procedures published in the Standards of Student Conduct up to and including, for severe violations, dismissal from the District.

Students who allegedly violated the Standards of Student Conduct will be referred to the Dean of Students Office to complete an individualized outcome plan. The Dean of Students will meet and, if sustained, be assigned educative and restorative sanctions including but not limited to meeting with a Student Health and Wellness Clinician, attending a group therapy session, completing the Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO module, completing a risk assessment, writing a reflection essay, completing some community service hours, etc. If advised for a risk assessment with a mental health clinician, the session will cover alcohol and other drug use history, the reason for referral, family and personal history, health concerns, safety issues, and the consequences associated with use. The Clinician will also assess the student's readiness for change and establish behavior change goals.

Education and Assistance Programs

The BC Student Health and Wellness Center (SHWC) offers assessment, short-term counseling, crisis intervention, medical care, prevention education, prevention-oriented initiatives, and referral services for students with various presenting concerns.

The Students of Concern Team provides group education about substance use/misuse and individual mentoring and behavioral agreements for success. The Office of Student Life has established an on-campus restorative justice model for violations of the Standards of Student Conduct to address the needs of those students impacted by substance misuse. It is intended to engage the student holistically for student well-being and academic success.

The Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO at Bakersfield College interactive video program provides students with accurate and personalized feedback about (1) individual drinking patterns, (2) risky patterns, (3) aspirations and goals, and (4) helpful resources at Bakersfield College and in the community.

The Sexual Violence Prevention interactive program helps students understand the campus’ responsibility to address the Campus SaVE Act requirements. Topics include (1) Definitions of sexual violence and consent, (2) Focus on consent with realistic examples that illustrate this topic, (3) Risk reduction for students and the campus community, (4) Safe and positive options for bystander intervention, (5) A focus on being part of a more considerable campus community effort to prevent sexual violence, and (6) Campus specific resources including the Deputy Title IX Officer.

Health Risks and Legal Sanctions

Substance misuse can create serious health risks and result in the imposition of a range of criminal penalties, including hefty fines and imprisonment. In addition, students who have a drug offense for selling or possessing illegal drugs that leads to a conviction while they are receiving federal financial assistance may no longer be eligible to receive additional federal aid (see Notice of Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations). Specific serious health risks are associated with the use of alcohol and illicit drugs. Some of the significant risks are listed below. Visit the BC Student Health and Wellness Center for more information.

  • Alcohol and Other Depressants (barbiturates, sedatives, and tranquilizers): Addiction, accidents because of impaired ability and judgment, alcohol poisoning, overdose when used with other depressants, damage to a developing fetus, heart, and liver damage.
  • Marijuana: Impair short-term memory, thinking, and physical coordination. It can cause a panic reaction and increase the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. It can interfere with judgment, attention span, concentration, and intellectual performance. Impairs driving ability. It may cause psychological dependence and compromise the immune system.
  • Cocaine: Addiction, cardiovascular system damage including heart attack, brain damage, seizures, lung damage, severe depression, paranoia, psychosis. Similar risks are associated with other stimulants, such as speed and uppers.
  • Nicotine: Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemical compounds, many of which are known to cause cancer. Nicotine, which is a central nervous system stimulant, produces an increase in heart and respiration rates, blood pressure, adrenaline production, and metabolism. People can rapidly become physically and psychologically dependent on tobacco. Compromises the immune system.
  • Inhalants: Inhalants are a diverse group of chemicals that quickly evaporate and can cause intoxication when inhaling their vapors. Most inhalants are central nervous system depressants. The use of these drugs slows down many body functions. High doses can cause severe breathing failure and sudden death. Chronic abuse of some of these chemicals can lead to irreversible liver damage and other health problems.
  • Prescription Drug Abuse: Adverse reactions, dependency, withdrawal, and overdose.

Treatment Options

A variety of resources exist for alcohol and other drug prevention education, counseling, and referral. For detailed information concerning these resources available from the college and community agencies, students may contact the BC Student Health and Wellness Center for more information.

Individual assessment and counseling for students

  • Early intervention, assessment, education, and referral
  • Educational sessions for those concerned about alcohol or other drug use
  • Judicial (Mandatory) referrals
  • Harm reduction training
  • Support Groups

Educational Programs

  • Speakers on a wide variety of topics related to drug and alcohol use
  • Training for Intervention Procedures (TIPS)
  • Alcohol, drug, and marijuana use programs available by appointment
  • Alcohol and drug-free events
  • Make Tailgating Yours (Football games)
  • Mocktail Parties
  • Drunk Driving Simulator Activity
  • Drunk Driving Awareness & Driver Safety Activities
  • Student Health and Wellness Center events

BC Department of College Safety

(661) 395-4554

Presentations on legal aspects of alcohol and other drug use and related issues

Office of Student Life

(661) 395-4355

Address the Code of Student Conduct, enforces policies and procedures, and provides students with resources necessary to resolve personal disputes.

Human Resources Department

Services, guidance, education, and training (faculty and staff), mandatory referrals to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) (faculty and staff), enforces policies and procedures for staff; assistance with disciplinary action for staff; assistance with mediation procedures through the Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) program for faculty and staff.

EAP (Alliance Work Partners)


Short term counseling and referral for qualified employees. Online resources, education, and training.